Worst SEO Practices

Comments Tag SEO

If I were to try to spam with comments tags it would look something like this

in the source code.

Image Alt Tags SEO

If you look off to the left of this line you will see a super small image of my black hat. Many sites use invisible or small 1 by 1 pixil images and then load them up with img alt tags that are keyword dense. Most search engines ignore this. Some sites use a huge string of keywords on every image. As a general rule of thumb they should all be somewhat different and read well to a person who has images turned off. The stuffed img alt tag looks like this

a good img alt tag would be more like

As an added tip, if you must use images or menus for navigation it is a good idea to place text links at the bottom of the page.

Meta Tags SEO

Meta Description tag – Since many websites were keyword stuffing this tag it has lost much of its relevance to most major search engines. If I were to spam using a meta description tag it would look something like this.

The meta description tag should be a sentence to a paragraph about the page content which reads well to the human eye. You may want to try to get multiple variations of your keywords, but it should not be overly repetitive. A good meta description tag would be something more like

You actually may want it to be a bit longer with more detail, but that is the general idea. Use a couple versions of your primary keyword phrases.

Meta Keywords tag –

Most search engines ignore this tag and many top SEO firms do not even use it. The keywords tag is used for misspellings and synonyms. Each phrase should be comma separated. The important thing to realize is that the keywords tag itself is not that important. Yahoo! uses this tag to include a page for the phrase listed if the phrase does not appear on your page or in links pointing to your page.

Notice how in those tags I am using the s version of optimization and other than that it does not appear on the page.

Other Meta Tags – generally there is no reason to use other meta tags unless you want spiders to not index your page.

Page Title SEO

An example of a bad page title is

The page title is the first thing a searcher sees in the search results and thus is extremely important. The longer you make your title, the less relevance each word has in the overall title. The first words are also the most important words. A good page title should include your keywords. I typically usually favor shorter page titles. The title should be different for each web page. A good example for this page might be

Keyword Stuffing SEO

Sometimes you will be reading text then role up on a blurb like “Search engine marketing markets web sites and the websites in professional search engines search results search engines search engines and more search engines see the search results while searching the web.”

Assuming a search engine liked that garbage it still would fail to convert human eyes.

Hidden Inputs SEO

Similar to the comments tags there are other ways of delivering text to the search engine which the end user does not see. In all reality the use of these deceptive means usually indicates a lack of site quality. Some of the other means are

  • form element hidden inputs (there are sometimes legitimate reason to use them, but this example assumes they are being used to fool search engines)
  • noframes tags (there are sometimes legitimate reason to use them, but this example assumes they are being used to fool search engines)
  • noscript tags (there are sometimes legitimate reason to use them, but this example assumes they are being used to fool search engines)
  • invisible text SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING SPAM HERE if you click and scroll downward you will see wonderful delicious hidden text spam…absolutely worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING SPAM SPAM Marketing SEARCH ENGINES
  • Excessively small text Search Engine Marketing spam here

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