Why You Need Unique Content for Your Website?

Google is fighting back the spammers and cleaning out junk; if you have recently been penalized for spam and low quality content, it is the right time to think over the issue. Gone are the days when any content would have worked and helped you rank in the first page of Google. Now, either do PPC or use quality content, an unofficial yet known understanding among SEO.

Anti-spam stalwart at Google, Matt Cutts every now and then stresses on user-friendly informative content. Though this does not mean that your website should be another Wikipedia, it should definitely have unique and informative material e.g. catchy infographic, snaps, charts, blogs, review.

If you are a content writer and have relied a lot upon copy-paste job and do not wish to write unique content, web content writing is not a suitable job for you, try something else. When you write original content your website is never going to face ranking penalty for duplicate content which is always hovering above the websites that have stolen content.

Another advantage is that attractive original content goes viral; visitors and readers start commenting and even citing the same at various forums. This generates links for your content which in turn helps you rank higher in search engines. Such traffic is organic and considered the most effective.

So if you copy content from somewhere else and paste it to your website and feel the owner of the content is not going to catch you, Google is definitely there to catch you. Moreover, it is not going to serve you any purpose – you are a loser in the end.

Author Bio Deepak Tiwari, Baccalaureate of Laws, an expert SEO Content Writer, Works at ONS Interactive
