Remove Rip Off Report

Remove Rip Off Report, Complaints Board Complaints from Google

Has an Unhappy Customer filed a Compliant on Rip off Report? Is your website a Victim of a fake complaint filed by one of your Competitors? When you Search for your Company’s Name on Google you see a Rip Off Report complaint against your company in the top 5 of Google results?

If Yes is your answer then, you must be experiencing drop in inquiries or sales from your website. Apart from Rip Off Report Other websites like Complaints Board, Complaints.com, Scam.com, My3Cents, and ShamScam.com are also used for filing complaint against a Company or an Individual. Can you 100% trust everything found on these websites? The answer is no. Since these website allows submission by anyone and they DO NOT verify if the complaint is true or if the person complaining has actually done business with the company they are complaining about.

If you have a compliant on rip off report, this will definitely hurt sales and your online reputation. Do not Ignore these Complains as they won’t go away. Our client’s Have tried filing rebuttal’s this has increased the content to text ratio and increased the keyword density and hence improved the position, we have also had client spending thousands of dollars on there attorneys trying to get the complaint removed but none managed to get the Complaint removed.


The solution is not to fight this complaint, just find a way past it i.e. to push this complaint on page 2 or 3 of Google results by Effective Reputation Management Techniques. This is one trick that has the highest success rate.

This Package http://www.profitbysearch.com/Reputation-Management-Plans.html by leading SEO India company, Profit By Search, will help you find a way past these Complaints.
