10 Sensible Tips for Using Geo-Location to Reach Your Target Audience

Geography plays a crucial half in making made-to-order and targeted promoting campaigns, and journalist Wesley Young lays out ways that within which local search marketers will use geolocation to their advantage.

Here are 10 sensible tips for using geo-location information to reach your target audience.

1. Find A Venue Where Your Target Audience Will Have Specific Wants Or Needs
2. Exclude Locations Where Your Target Audience Will Not Be
3. Define A Radius By Distance Or Time Around Your Store Or An Area Of Interest
4. Adjust Your Bid On Ads To Prioritize Better Locations
5. Use Location-Specific Keywords For Paid Search Ads
6. Predict Your Audience By Geography
7. Discover Location Intent By Search History
8. Analyse Consumer Behaviour and Preference From Past Locations Visited
9. Use Location-Specific Landing Pages To Provide Relevant Content
10. Take Advantage Of Geographic Specific Events

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